Tuesday, September 11, 2012

C's Room Reveal

First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of posts over the past few weeks.  When the second phase of our neighborhood was built, AT&T decided that they would only run a small handful of high speed ports to the houses.  I am not sure what their reasoning was, but what I am sure of is that my internet is slower than dial up.  It is next to impossible to upload a single picture to the internet in under 30 minutes.  It is quite frustrating to say the least. 
I don't think I have posted any pictures of the house since we moved in, so this post is dedicated to the first room I call complete - Caroline's.  Before I share her big girl room, I wanted to reminisce about her first room.  I loved the pink, brown, stripes, and polka dots.  It was everything I wanted for her at that time.  Oh the time we spent working to make straight stripes across her walls.  Little did I know she would only enjoy it for a few short months before moving.  I put zero time into her 2nd nursery, which made planning for her big girl room even more fun. 


Yes, I loved Caroline's nursery, but I often found it dark and not as cheerful as I wanted it to be.  For her toddler room, I knew I was going to go all bright and nix all colors dark.  The final result consists of yellow walls, green curtains, and touches of pink and blue throughout.  Most of you who know me know that I am not very big on overly themed rooms.   The flowers in this room definitely took over and I love every inch of it!  There are a couple of things I still want to adjust and add, but for now, this is the one completed room in our house.  Hopefully, some of her Texas friends will get to see it in person some day!

Room Details
Curtains - Panels from Target with fabric added via no sew hem
Bedding - Bed Bath and Beyond
Furniture - Craig's List
Mirror - Upcycled from nursery with pink spray paint
Flower Decals - Christmas gift from Honey
3D flowers, flower hanging rack, lamp - Hobby Lobby

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Visitors

We were so excited to have friends, Sarah and Preston, spend the other weekend with us.  Our time together was too short, full of excitement, and definitely much needed!  We spent our first afternoon together in New Orleans.  The highlight of this adventure was watching the kids break it down to some local musicians in Jackson Square.  Over the next day and a half, the kids baked cookies, painted, and played at a local park on the beach.  We are just so thankful that they stopped by to see us!   

Making Memories in Jackson Square
Fun at the Park on the Beach

Baking Cookies

Fun with Paint

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pregnancy Journal: 22 Weeks

This post is a week late due to us finally closing on our new house a little over two weeks ago.  A blog post about that adventure will be in the near future.  As far as the baby boy goes, all is going well.  He and I are both growing at a steady rate.  His heart is beating at a steady 150 bpm.  I did have my first experience with round ligament pain during our move.  I did not know if I was working myself too hard or if baby boy was just stretching my insides.  The doctor told me it sounded like round ligament pain.  I was curious about whether my blood pressure was going to be high because of the stresses involved with moving, but surprisingly, it was actually on the low side.  The doctor said since I was not having any other symptoms it was nothing that should alarm us.  I have also turned into somewhat of a cookie monster.  I cannot get enough cookies!  I just want to eat them all the time, so I do.   

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Jolly days in July

Took this sweet pic on Angela's front porch

The first half of July has disappeared before my eyes.  We close on our house in 2 days and I really don't know where the time has gone.  I have so much to be grateful for and sometimes have to kick myself to remind me of all the blessings around me.  Here are some pics over the past month.

C ready to stay at Nanny and PawPaw's for our weekend wedding in Ohio

Iphone Pic before the wedding

Having a blast with our Chicago friends Blake and Stacy

We took advantage of a rainy day last weekend and had a great time at the local Children's Museum.  The top left picture is a structure that children can crawl through to get from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor.  
C helping Daddy clean his big catch!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Adjective: Extremely and shockingly or distressingly bad or serious: “a serious crime”
Hmmm.  The term terrible twos sounds like such a cliché.  While Caroline has always needed boundaries and wanted to test the limits, I would not have gone so far as to say her actions were either extreme or shocking.  Yes, we have certainly had “bad” twos, but nothing that ever lasted more than a week.  It seems like we would make adjustments, buckle down, and her behavior always got better.  This time it is different.  Extreme, shocking, and distressing might be exaggerating a bit, but life is certainly a challenge right now.  For the past two weeks our day to day life consists of constant battles.  Caroline wants the opposite of whatever is going on at that moment.  This opinionated behavior consists of whining, crying, and sometimes screaming.  Once a day I could handle, but each day seems to have more than the day before.

Our go to discipline methods are starting to backfire.  For example, I used to count to 3 and she would obey before having to go to time out or get a spanking.  Now when I count to 3, she counts to 5 real fast and starts to spank herself.  What a smart alec!  Timeout and spankings just don’t seem to be working.  I think I need to reevaluate the severity of these 2 consequences and figure out how to make them count.

Speaking of making it count, let me tell you about a discipline technique that I think will never be forgotten by Caroline or me.  Caroline’s first public all out tantrum was last week in Payless.  She wanted to buy a pair of shoes.  She refused to get off the floor after I counted to three, so I proceeded to pop her and carry her out under my arm screaming and kicking.  While I was carrying her, she chunked a toy car across the store.  When the cashier went to pick it up, I very calmly told that cashier that Caroline must not want that toy and to please throw it in the garbage.  The 25 minute ride home was painful.  Snot, tears, screaming, the works.  Caroline kept screaming for me to turn around and go get her car.  I just kept repeating that we don’t throw fits and when we throw a toy, it goes in the garbage.  I cried, too, because I felt like I was the world’s meanest mother.  All I can say is that a week later Caroline still asks about that car and we can discuss the reasons why it had to be thrown away.  I’ll let you know if this actually prevents public tantrums in the future!      

Have you and your toddler had similar conversations to the ones listed below?  How do you punish an indecisive, manipulative two year old?  I am open for suggestions!

I’M HUNGRY: Example 1
Toddler: I’m hungry. (whining on the floor saying it over and over)
Parent: Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes.
5 minutes pass
Parent: Get in your chair, dinner is ready.
Toddler: I’m not hungry. (whining on the floor saying it over and over)

DINNER: Example 2
Toddler: I want that cheese.
Parent: I don’t think you will like feta cheese.
Toddler: I want it.
Parent: Ok. Taste it first.
Toddler: I like that cheese.
Parent puts cheese on plate for dinner. Everyone is eating dinner.
Toddler: I don’t like that cheese.
Parent eats cheese off the plate.
Toddler: MY CHEESE! (crying because she wants her cheese back)

Toddler: I ready to go bye bye.
Parent: We are leaving as soon as I get ready.
Toddler: I ready to go bye bye.
Parent and toddler get loaded up to go and are driving down the road.
Toddler: No bye bye, no bye bye, I want to go home.  Go home.  Go home.
Toddler proceeds to scream for the next 20 minutes in the car.

TAKING A WALK: Example 4
Toddler:  I want to walk.
Parent: You can walk when we get on our street.
Get to the street and parent tries to unbuckle seat belt.
Toddler:  I don’t want to walk. (kicking and yelling)
Parent pushes a few feet further.
Toddler: I want to walk.
Parent tries to unbuckle seat bel.t
Toddler: I don’t want to walk.
Parent continues pushing stroller.
Toddler: I want to walk.
Parent: No ma’am. You are being ugly.  You can stay in your seat.
Toddler: I want to walk.
Parent: You can walk when we get to the driveway.
Get to driveway and parent unbuckles seat belt.
Toddler: I don’t want to walk, I don’t want to walk.  Put my seatbelt back on. (screaming)
Parent has to dump toddler out of stroller to go inside.

Closing is scheduled and the moving truck is reserved.  I hope that moving into our new home can provide some stability that Caroline may not have been feeling lately.  I pray that God can give me the patience and wisdom to parent and discipline appropriately.  I pray that he can guide us in raising Caroline to be the sweet, loving little girl that he wants her to be.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pregnancy Journal: 18 Weeks

The last 4 weeks have flown by!  For the most part, I have felt really great since my last pregnancy post.  My baby bump inflates and deflates depending on what I have eaten over the previous 48 hours.  To prove the extent of this theory I measured myself before bed one night and again the next morning.  I was a full inch and a half bigger the night before!  My nurse pointed out that I have gained 5 lbs since my last appointment.  I'll blame it on the delicious hamburgers and fries we ate for dinner last night.  Maybe the chocolate chip cookies we baked afterwards made the difference.  Oh well!

I have started to feel our sweet baby boy moving around!  It is truly an amazing feeling.  I can feel him just a couple times at night before I go to bed.  It definitely helps me go to sleep with a smile.  Every night before bed Caroline gets my pregnancy book and looks at the picture of how big her baby brother is and rubs my belly talking about how she wants to hold him.  I hope she will stay this sweet when he gets here!

All this talk about food is making my stomach growl.  I think I need a cookie!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Almost There: A House Update

The deadline for our house to be ready is July 23rd.  The foreman for the job has assured us that not only will the house be ready by the deadline, but we will have closed, moved in, and be enjoying a drink on the back patio by the 23rd.  That is less than 4 weeks from today.  As you scroll through the pictures you will notice that everything is almost finished!  We still need counter tops, hardwood floors, carpet, toilets, door knobs, grass, and few other finishing touches.  I can't wait!

Notice the added slab to the right of the house.  This is for Grandpa Grady (the boat).  The additional 4 feet of garage is for the Manatee (the other boat).  I lost 3 feet off my dream laundry room that protruded into the garage to accommodate the Manatee.  Yes, our garage is enormous.  By the way, the front door posts are not complete.

Dining Room - This is coming in the front door and to the right.  These are not my favorite light fixtures. 

Living Room - This is standing in the dining room taking a picture.  We shifted the fireplace 3 feet to the left in order to keep our TV on a credenza and not above the fireplace.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that we moved it enough!

Kitchen - The cabinets do not look this red in person, but I am very excited about the slow close cabinet doors and drawers!  The tile floors are very similar to what we had in Texas.

Back Porch - We have cable and speakers wired out here waiting for football season!

Master Bedroom Window
This is very awkward placement for the house next to us.  I am hoping to add some trees!

Another Shot of the Awkward Placement
It is placed like this because we are on a cul-de-sac.

Another Front Shot - The garage you see next to us is the far left side of our neighbor's house.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Animals, Friends, and Swimming

I missed my weekly post goal last week due to being out of town for a week.  At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

People keep asking me what Caroline and I are doing to keep busy.  After breakfast we usually start the day off with a walk to see the goats, ponies, cows, and horses that live around the corner from here.  Sometimes Caroline chooses to push her baby and we only make it about half way.  Other days, she chooses to ride in her stroller in order to make it all the way.  Let me tell you, 30 lbs of dead weight is not easy!  After our walk we will play in her room or do an art project.  Our latest art project has been another Pinterest idea that you can find here: 35 Animal Crafts for Kids .  Caroline has loved picking out a different animal each day of the week.  That pretty much sums up our mornings.  I'll post later about our afternoons.

Tiger, Hen, Frog, Lion, and Snake

Last weekend we had the pleasure of going to see one of Jordan's friends from college.  I had not seen them in probably 9 years.  It was so nice to get out of town for the weekend and stay with such awesome hosts.  Caroline had a blast playing with their 4 year old, Carter, and his baby sister, Alex Ann.  On a side note, Caroline was convinced that Carter's baby sister was her baby sister.  The entire weekend she repeatedly asked where her baby sister was and kept saying she needed her baby sister.  Let's just say she was a little confused to say the least!  I assured her that her baby brother was still in Mommy's belly.

C's Favorite Toy of Carter's

Racing to the Finish

Loving on Alex Ann
After our weekend with friends, we headed to Honey and Papa's for the rest of the week.  The highlight of the trip was definitely the pool.  Caroline has always been very comfortable in the water, but this week she took that comfort to new heights.

Ahh!  This is Awesome!

Going Under

I think I can!

Just Chillin'

C did awesome in these floaties!




Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pregnancy Journal: 14 Weeks

Hours and hours later....here is my first pregnancy photo journal post!  I regret not doing one when I was pregnant with Caroline, so here I am.  Pinterest has provided me with tons of ideas on making this happen.  I am hoping to include C in most of these pics, but the attempted photo shoot with her holding the peach just did not work out.  Why a peach?  Because our little growing baby is about the size of a peach this week!  I think this concept really confused Caroline.

I am so grateful to God that we have reached the 2nd Trimester without any problems!  I was overly tired and a bit icky feeling, but I happily accepted all ailments because it meant my body was working hard to help our little miracle along.

Our first appointment with my new doctor was on Tuesday.  While the staff was not overly friendly, we did really like the doctor.  The magic began when the tech began the ultrasound.  There was our sweet little baby with two arms, two legs, and a great big head.  The tech was doing her thing when I saw it.  I said, "Oh my gosh, it's a penis!" Jordan said, "No way!"  While Caroline was running around the room saying, "no way, no way, no way," the tech confirmed.  She said she doesn't usually make gender predictions this early unless it is a boy and all the boy parts are there.  Well, they were.  Oh my gosh, we are having a BOY!!  All I can say is that any desires to have another girl all disappeared when I saw the look on Jordan's face.  It was priceless.  He was beaming.  

I am having the hardest time getting the ultrasound pics to load right side up.  I give up.  Here they are anyway!
He was opening and closing his mouth during this shot!

See the Arrow?


The pregnancy journal template was created using scrapbook paper and trim from The CoffeeShop Blog

One of my favorite journal inspirations comes from Pacing the Panic Room

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Three Day Weekend

Our three day weekend has been full of sunshine, food, family, and fun! 

First, I would like to introduce you to Grady.  Grady is the newest addition to our growing boat family.  The Ranger was sold and Grady quickly took its place.  You may remember the blood, sweat, and tears that Jordan shed while restoring the Manatee just last summer.  During all the shedding, he did not realize how little of a fan I was going to be of the small bay boat.  A bigger boat was a necessity.  Maybe not an immediate necessity, but who is keeping track?  Saturday was our first family outing on Grady and I must say that it is not going to take much for me to want to be on the water every weekend!

This is Grady

C Checking Out All the Seats

Sleeping Quarters

Sink and Toilet

More Seats

C fell asleep before we got to the beach!

All Serious about Playing in the Sand

Hanging out in the Water

Memorial Day was another great day over the weekend.  We spent it at Nanny and PawPaw's house.  I wish I would have gotten a better picture of her outfit before she decided to not use the potty.  (Oh the joys of potty training!)  


Hamburgers  + Nanny + PawPaw = Great Memorial Day

This activity was actually done on Tuesday, but I wanted to include it on this week's post.  Thank you, Pinterest for this wonderful five dollar idea!  C had an absolute blast painting her hands and feet!  She was actively engaged for almost an hour completing her masterpiece. You can click here to see 120 more activities to do with kids ages 1 - 4 on the Play Create Explore website.

She was so proud!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Since Our Move

It is so hard for me to believe that we left Texas almost 2 months ago.  You will see in the following picture explosion that we have been quite busy having a great time!  Enjoy the scroll!

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party
We went with Angela to a 3 year old's birthday party where  C casually asked Minnie a very important question, "Where's Mick?"

Easter Egg Hunt at Nanny and PawPaw's

My PawPaw's Getting Me!

Helping Daddy Wax The Manatee

Loving Honey, Papa, Uncle Richard, and Uncle Robert

Fun at Honey and Papa's
We hung out in the sun, baked, caught frogs, and had fun at the Market Street Festival!
(Notice that Haney is covered in stickers!)
Happy Birthday, Angela!

Sprinkler Fun

Happy Mother's Day, Nanny!

Wooden Boat Show