Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Three Day Weekend

Our three day weekend has been full of sunshine, food, family, and fun! 

First, I would like to introduce you to Grady.  Grady is the newest addition to our growing boat family.  The Ranger was sold and Grady quickly took its place.  You may remember the blood, sweat, and tears that Jordan shed while restoring the Manatee just last summer.  During all the shedding, he did not realize how little of a fan I was going to be of the small bay boat.  A bigger boat was a necessity.  Maybe not an immediate necessity, but who is keeping track?  Saturday was our first family outing on Grady and I must say that it is not going to take much for me to want to be on the water every weekend!

This is Grady

C Checking Out All the Seats

Sleeping Quarters

Sink and Toilet

More Seats

C fell asleep before we got to the beach!

All Serious about Playing in the Sand

Hanging out in the Water

Memorial Day was another great day over the weekend.  We spent it at Nanny and PawPaw's house.  I wish I would have gotten a better picture of her outfit before she decided to not use the potty.  (Oh the joys of potty training!)  


Hamburgers  + Nanny + PawPaw = Great Memorial Day

This activity was actually done on Tuesday, but I wanted to include it on this week's post.  Thank you, Pinterest for this wonderful five dollar idea!  C had an absolute blast painting her hands and feet!  She was actively engaged for almost an hour completing her masterpiece. You can click here to see 120 more activities to do with kids ages 1 - 4 on the Play Create Explore website.

She was so proud!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Since Our Move

It is so hard for me to believe that we left Texas almost 2 months ago.  You will see in the following picture explosion that we have been quite busy having a great time!  Enjoy the scroll!

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party
We went with Angela to a 3 year old's birthday party where  C casually asked Minnie a very important question, "Where's Mick?"

Easter Egg Hunt at Nanny and PawPaw's

My PawPaw's Getting Me!

Helping Daddy Wax The Manatee

Loving Honey, Papa, Uncle Richard, and Uncle Robert

Fun at Honey and Papa's
We hung out in the sun, baked, caught frogs, and had fun at the Market Street Festival!
(Notice that Haney is covered in stickers!)
Happy Birthday, Angela!

Sprinkler Fun

Happy Mother's Day, Nanny!

Wooden Boat Show

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our Humble Abode

Our new house is finally starting to take shape.  Here are some pics to catch everyone up.

Left: Our Lot Selection in March
Right:  Beginning Stages of Lot Clearing

I was out of town when they finished clearing the lot, but was delightfully surprised to see the foundation when I returned!

Front of House
Don't you like our 3 trees?

We have a few trees and the lot line goes right past where Jordan is standing.

C's Room

Hmm...I wonder if this is a toilet line!

Since the process of building this house has been so slow, I didn't expect to see a framed house for at least a week.  Look at what we found 3 days later!

Front of House

C's Room

Back of House

Kitchen Window

Friday, May 11, 2012

The First Post

Hi!  Welcome to our blog!  I want you to know my expectations for this blog are high.  My number one goal is to keep our friends and family updated on the daily ins and outs of our lives.  Although many of you are hundreds of miles away, my hope is that you will feel a little closer with the reading of each post.

Along with the current events of our lives, I also hope to use this blog as an outlet to write about things that are important to me.  Motherhood, photography, decorating, and our struggle to become a family of four are a few topics under consideration.  My diligence in meeting my number one goal will dictate my dream expansion of Our Three Trees. 

Happy Reading!